Some mothers to be, can feel different aches and pains, in Osteopathic Life Clinic we can cater for a number of conditions, including indigestion, gastrointestinal reflux, sacroiliac pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.
The body changes during this amazing process and sees different structures change to accommodate the growing baby. These changes include a number of different systems from chemical, hormonal, and emotional. Osteopathy’s feel that these are all an expressions of life, and so work to engage with them to allow a less painful and more balanced state for both mother and child.
We work at correcting any mechanical disorders of the joints including the Spine and hips, the net effect of which allows less joint stress and shared load bearing through the body.
The treatment is gentle and helps the mother progress through the different changes required.
Osteopathy is a safe and non-invasive way of treatment and can play an important part in antenatal care. We recommend mother have an assessment after giving birth to look at over all spinal mechanics.