[h4_underlined] Business and Corporate Interests[/h4_underlined]Ergonomics is the science behind the relationship between people and their work environment. Ergonomic analysis within the work place is particularly important for the health and welfare of the employee. There are both negatives and positives seen in the use of one of the three packages which Osteopathic Life Clinic offer in their Ergonomic Service System. The positive is seen in helping to reduce costs by improving safety, the net effect of which has been to significantly decrease the money paid out in workers’ compensation. We can help through some of the dynamic packages raise awareness of physical health both in the work place and out side of the work place. For further information please feel to read on
For Package information please call the office on. We will be glad to make the difference.
Additional Ergonomic Information
Health & Nutrition (To be listed and sectioned)
Quality of Life (Q&L)