Knee pain

We Treat Knee Pain

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Knee injuries are common especially in sport. However you can also develop knee pain slowly or suddenly with or without identifiable reasons. There are a number of conditions that are common.

Most common of these include patella tendinopathy, bursa inflammation or fat pad inflammation, Illio tibial band syndrome (ITBS) along with ligament damage as seen in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) strains or tear’s and medial and lateral collateral ligament strain. The best way to find out is to call the clinic.

Two convenient locations, one is in the city centre in Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1 and a second clinic in Leopardstown Dublin 18.

You can work to taking appropriate steps to find out what tissues maybe involved through an assessment at the clinic as well as working on pain reduction techniques along with the development of a proper maintenance program to put your self, in the best position possible with relation to pain levels.


Along with Osteopathic techniques including fascia release and muscular energy techniques and balanced ligamentous tension techniques, can have positive effect on knee pain levels.

Actively stretching the muscles, which connect to the area or which pass over the joint can be beneficial and lessen symptoms. The use of hydrotherapy (contrasting water bathing between hot and cold water) amongst a number of other things can help to lessen pain.

Also using topical creams that are rich in Omega 3 such as that found in cilliated fatty acids can be pain reliving. The ingestion of foodstuffs that are in them selves ante-inflammatory in their action will also help to decrease pain. If you look at a number of different ways to tackle the problem you will invariable improve your position.

To Book an appointment you can call : 087 669 7474
or Book Online below here